“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is wasted”
Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education helps to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes our pupils need to manage their lives, now and in the future. It helps children and young people to stay healthy and safe, while preparing them to make the most of life and work.
At St Mary’s we use the ‘kapow’ scheme to deliver our PSHE curriculum in line with the national curriculum programme of study. The scheme sets out learning opportunities for each key stage, in six core themes: Family and relationships, health and wellbeing, safety and the changing body, citizenship, economic wellbeing, identity. Our scheme and lessons allow for engaging and thoughtful PSHE Lessons. The Early Years Framework provides the foundation for our PSHE curriculum. For our SRE we follow the ‘Ten Ten- Life to the full’ resources as recommended by the diocese. The link to the online portal for ‘Life to the full’ can be found here- Online Parent Portal – Ten Ten Resources Please use the following details to log in
Username- st-marys-pr4
Password- mother-of-god
By following the above link you will find further details on what is covered in the lessons and how the curriculum links to our Catholic beliefs.
PSHE is an essential and a vitally important subject within a broad and balanced curriculum and it enables children to learn, develop skills and attributes to manage their lives now and in the future. PSHE offers learning opportunities and experiences which reflect children’s increasing independence as well as physical, mental health and social awareness.
Every week, children have an assembly using the ‘picture news’ resource. We reflect on the meaning of the picture and we link this to our British Values. Each week, we focus on a different British Value.
You can view our PSHE skills progression and programme of study on the curriculum overview.