Equality Statement
St Mary’s is a Catholic Primary school in rural outskirts of Preston. It is situated in a small village called Lea Town.
Our mission statement is:-
“Loved and inspired by Mary…
We shine and learn as a family of God.”
It is our Catholic ethos to treat others with dignity and respect no matter what the circumstances. We have a number of policies in school that support us in ensuring equality is paramount to our daily lives in school. These include: – Racial Equality, Equal Opportunities, Special Educational Needs, Disability and accessibility and Sex and Relationships policy. These policies ensure that all groups of people are treated with respect and have equal access and opportunities as everyone else. For example; – the school may pay for trips and equipment for pupils that are from low income families. The school may also purchase specialist teaching, equipment, resources and modify learning environments for children with special needs.
In reviewing the single equality policy with the governing body we have considered all groups of people that this applies to and we have drawn up a list of objectives to inform our actions over the next twelve months. This will form part of our school development plan and they will support and enhance our work at St Mary’s with regards to equality. These are;-
- Deploy single equality policy
- Training for Racial Equality
- Revisit Equal opportunities and discuss this with staff and governors. Particular emphasis on gender.
- Ensure the environment reflect the diversity of the school.
- Audit of Community Cohesion and set some objectives to make meaningful links to expose our community to a diverse wider community.
We have considered the demographic of our school by looking at the data that is published about our school. This is called the Lancashire Schools Information Profile and RAISE online. We have also discussed this with parents, pupils, staff, parishioners and neighbours’.