Class 1
Welcome to Class One!
Our class scripture quote:
‘God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.’
Genesis 1:31
In our class we have Reception and Year 1 children. Our teacher is Mrs Ellis, Miss Collins (1 day- Forest School), and Teaching Assistants, Miss Harrison, Miss Hughes and Mrs Moss (HLTA).
Within our Early Years classroom we strive to develop inquisitive learners who are not afraid to try new things, persevere with a challenge and feel proud of all their accomplishments.
Important information
Reading books
It is recommended that you read with your child for 10 minutes, 5 times per week. Reading books are changed every Monday. If your child has not read at home, their book will not be changed. If your child has a picture book to look at with you, please talk about the pictures with your child and ask them some questions about what is happening in the pictures. Please ensure all books kept in your child’s blue book bag to avoid reading books becoming lost.
Wizard words
Please follow the links below to find a list of our wizard words. Reception children: Please help your child to read the red wizard words by practising them regularly. Y1 children to practise reading and spelling the wizard words.
When we think your child is confident of the words, we will move them on to the next set (blue wizard words). We check them in class on a weekly basis.
Each child will receive a red home learning book. Homework is sent home every Friday, and should be returned completed on Wednesday.
Class One have PE every Wednesday and Friday. PE bags should stay in school and will be sent home every half term to be washed.
Forest School
Every Monday, Class One will have Forest School with Miss Collins. We ask that your child comes dressed ready, wearing a school polo shirt, leggings or joggers and a school hoodie. To be kept in school, your child should have a bag with wellies and water proof pants and jacket.
Drinks and snacks
Children in Class One can get a piece of fruit and a carton of milk at play time each day. However you may wish to provide your child with another healthy snack for playtime, no crisps or chocolate please. Your child can also bring a water bottle from home to stay in class.
We use SeeSaw to update our families on our recent learning. We aim to post photos at least once per week. We strongly encourage our families to share photos from home with us using the app, so that your child can proudly share these during ‘Show and Tell’.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us;