Religious Education
Please find below the whole year of Catholicity events.
Whole year list of events 22.23
Our Re Policy and Prayer and Liturgy policy are accessible below. There are also links to our updated Shared Liturgy planner and Evaluation sheet which children will complete.
Prayer and Liturgy Policy January 2023
From September 2025 a new RE curriculum will be implemented across all classes. “To Know you more clearly, The Religious Education Directory” sets out the new curriculum following a pattern where Children hear, believe, celebrate and live out the Gospel. Over the next two years, there will be a transitional phase where we move from the old to the new curriculum. From September 2023, we will begin teaching the new Curriculum following the EYFS, Year 1 and Year 3 objectives. To support in teaching this new curriculum teachers will use a resource called “The Vine and the branches” supplemented with other resources.
Here are the curriculum Newsletters which give a brief outline as to what is covered each half term in Religious Education.
RE Curriculum newsletter Autumn 1 2023
RE Curriculum newsletter Autumn 2 2023
RE curriculum Newsletter Spring 1
Relationships and Health Education
Relationships and Health Education is taught, in line with our faith beliefs, following the ‘Life to the full’ scheme on Ten Ten resources. The link to the online portal for ‘Life to the full’ can be found here- Online Parent Portal – Ten Ten Resources Please use the following details to log in
Username- st-marys-pr4
Password- mother-of-god
By following the above link you will find further details on what is covered in the lessons and how the curriculum links to our Catholic beliefs.
Our intent in Religious Education-
- Have a deeper knowledge and understanding of their Catholic faith.
- To encourage investigation and reflection by the pupils so that they can recognise the contribution it makes to their lives.
- Develop the skills they need to be able to make decisions about faith values and life styles
- Be prepared for the Sacraments.
- Be encouraged to pray and realise the importance of prayer.
- Be led to a deeper knowledge and understanding of the beliefs of others and to treat them with respect and tolerance.
Principles of teaching and learning in RE
St. Mary’s aims to help the children to become more aware of their experience of living in the world, and to help them to respond to God’s love. We help them to respond to God in prayer.
Religion is implicit in the whole life of the school and this has contributed to a close bonding of children, all the staff and governors. There is daily prayer and worship in school, in the classroom and at assembly. Mass is celebrated regularly each term and Catholic children are prepared for receiving the Sacraments. This is part of what parents choose for their children in accepting a place at our school; a living and learning community rooted in Gospel values. Parents may exercise their right to withdraw their child from RE but none have chosen to do so.
Implementation of teaching Religious Education
RE. is taught for at least 10% of the timetable and the children are taught in mixed age classes.
The school has adopted the scheme called The Way the Truth and the Life and is introducing The Vine and the Branches for those classes following the new curriculum. Classes 2,3 and 4 follow a two year rolling programme and Class 1 follow the new Religious Education Directory for EYFS.
‘The challenge of classroom RE is that of involving the pupils in the two key learning objectives. The first is that of learning about religious realities, the beliefs, practices and behaviour of the faithful. The second is that of learning from those beliefs, practices and behaviour. In our schools those two objectives are obviously directed to and concern Catholic faith and life in all its fullness.’ Archbishop Vincent Nicholls
At St Mary’s the predominant mode of working in RE is class teaching followed by co-operative group work and individual work when appropriate. RE lessons include opportunities for shared prayer, silent prayer, discussion, art, drama, written work, music and reading from scripture.
Class teaching promotes creativity where possible, making good use of ICT and encouraging children to further develop skills they have gained from the core subjects e.g. debates, hot seating, plays.
Monitoring, Evaluation and assessment
All teachers are responsible for medium term plans following the scheme of work. In order for pupils to work to the best of their ability and thereby achieve their potential, differentiation is an important aspect of planning. Tasks are set according to ability, children work in ability and mixed ability groups, methods of presentation differ according to ability and work is being extended for children that are more able. Wherever possible pupils with SEN are not withdrawn from RE and support is provided within the classroom where necessary.
Our school has developed its policy on marking, assessment, recording and reporting in line with:
- Whole school staff policies and practice
- The needs of staff and pupils
- Diocesan and national developments
- Good practice
The Assessment of Re will be updated following the implementation of the new RE Curriculum- To know you more clearly. These will be linked to ‘The ways of knowing” which have evolved from the previous Age related Standards. Formative assessment includes oral responses, self evaluation and target setting. It points out what is good and what could be improved.
During this transitional period, Classes not learning the new curriculum will still be assessed as detailed below.
Summative assessment reports on what has been learnt and is set using tasks appropriate to the completed theme using The Way, the Truth and The Life.
AT1 is learning about the Catholic Faith.
AT2 is learning from the Catholic faith.
Feedback to pupils about their progress in RE is achieved through:
- Constructive and appropriate marking of books.
- Talking directly to pupils.
- Annual reports focusing on each child’s knowledge, understanding and skills.
- Parents Evening.
Staff meet regularly to evaluate topics taught and levels of attainment are reported to the governors on an annual basis. The Subject Leader attends Inset and feeds back to staff. All staff take part in termly moderation of work.
- Purchase of resources for Collective Worship.
- Artefacts for World faiths
- Music CD’s and books/bibles.